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Rails Migrations, Done Manually
July 24, 2018

Rails has a great set of tools for managing database changes. These are called Active Record migrations and they were revolutionary when first implemented in the mid 2000s. I remember a friend saying that Rails had solved the "how do…

Standardizing your PRs with Github Pull Request Templates
July 9, 2018

We do all of our development using git, and most of our projects are hosting on Github. The pull request (PR) is a key part of our dev process, and writing excellent PR descriptions helps code reviewers and folks doing…

The Culture Foundry Development Process
July 3, 2018

This is an overview of the Culture Foundry development process. This process is continuously evolving (so this is a snapshot), but is aimed at creating quality websites and web applications while balancing the needs of our clients for speed. It's…

Troubleshooting Caching
June 19, 2018

As they say, in computer science there are two hard problems: naming things, cache invalidation and off by one errors. Ba-dum-bum. At Culture Foundry we use caches extensively. Sometimes they are built into the application frameworks. Other times they are…

Serverless Scaling With S3
June 13, 2018

At Culture Foundry, we have some clients who see intense traffic spikes due to "real world" events. For this scenario, we've written a server-less solution that scales well at a reasonable cost (both in terms of dollars and developer time).…

Configuring MODX Revolution To Scale Horizontally
June 9, 2018

MODX Revolution is a PHP CMS with tons of functionality out of the box. It also has a lot of flexibility. Like most PHP CMSes, it uses a relational database to store data and puts file uploads on the filesystem.…

JSON APIs with Drupal 7
May 31, 2018

We have a client that runs a Drupal 7 site. They wanted to integrate a custom JSON API into the Drupal site. There's already a great post covering a simple read only API endpoint in Drupal 7. I wanted to…

Syncing Files Between Cloud Hosts
May 24, 2018

When you have a software system, scaling horizontally by bringing more servers online to help with higher demand gives you more flexibility and lets you build systems that can handle more use. If your compute nodes are stateless then you…

Beyond Customized Part 2: Shopify and Javascript
July 27, 2017

The techniques outlined in the previous article allow adding multiple items to the cart at once to bypass product variant limits. Note: You are reading part two of Beyond Customized: Shopify and Javascript. To read part one please click here:…

Beyond Customized Part 1: Shopify and Javascript
March 28, 2017

At Culture Foundry we’ve developed a combination of methods to allow unlimited product varieties and product customization far beyond what’s built into the default templates. The Limitations The kinds of customization which Shopify offers by default include properties and product…


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