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Election Day Is a Holiday at Culture Foundry
October 11, 2020

Earlier this year, as part of a set of actions inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, we made Election Day a company holiday at Culture Foundry.  Specifically, the U.S. General Election Day each November will be a paid day…

Proclamation to Destination: Our Road from #BlackLivesMatter to Action
August 30, 2020

When, sparked by George Floyd’s murder, the Black Lives Matter movement went powerfully mainstream, #BlackLivesMatter proclamations flew fast and furious, along with heartfelt pledges of action. Here’s one from June 14, 2020: “What we say here as a company is…

Sometimes a Good Bowl of Soup Can Make it All a Little Better
March 20, 2020

Hi Everyone, These are some crazy times.  SXSW, in case you didn’t know, is a huge technology, film, and music festival and conference that (usually) happens every March here in Austin, Texas. Two weeks ago, when the coronavirus seemed literally…

A Website Is Not a Campaign
January 15, 2020

I go to the website of what I know to be a great, integral company and find a sad, hollowed-out experience that couldn’t be farther from the mark. I’d ask “what happened here?” but I know what happened here because…

The Battle for Better Health Care
January 3, 2020

How our small business wrestled excellent care from the jaws of the astonishingly absurd health care system. Part 2: The battle for better health care. Continue reading "The Battle for Better Health Care"

Strategy from Simplicity
September 3, 2019

In the digital agency world, strategy is a powerful concept that consumes so many of our conversations around process, design, and technology choices. Continue reading "Strategy from Simplicity"

Reflections on the 2019 NCWIT Summit
May 31, 2019

At the 2019 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT earlier this month, we had the privilege of helping launch the Tech Inclusion Journey Toolkit: an online resource that tech organizations can use to “learn, assess, and improve on their journey…

The Beginning of Our Tech Inclusion Journey
April 2, 2019

It’s not always easy or comfortable, but we’re excited to become a more diverse, inclusive and equitable company with some help from NCWIT. Continue reading "The Beginning of Our Tech Inclusion Journey"

Health Care Despairia
March 6, 2019

How our small business wrestled excellent care from the jaws of the astonishingly absurd US health care system. Part 1: The descent. Continue reading "Health Care Despairia"

Core Values In Action: Delivery Showcase
January 19, 2019

What is a Delivery Showcase and why does it matter? One of our core values is delivery. From that post: We are scored on delivery. No excuses. No politics. No points for perfect problems. Clients care about business value delivered,…


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